Pastors Brian & Laurel Allan
Brian and Laurel have been serving our community for over 30 years. If you have any need, or anything you would like prayer for, or any questions about our church, please do not hesitate to contact them.
Brian Allan: (403) 318-1789
Assistant Pastor: Lovell Nelson
Lovell and Donna Nelson have served on the leadership team of WGM for many years and recently Lovell became a part of the pastoral ministry team and is serving as the congregational care pastor. Lovell and Donna have a great passion for God and Gods people.
Ministry Development
Sharmon Crane brings to WGM her gifts of helping people discover their areas of gifting and the development of ministry teams. Sharmon gives leadership to our prayer ministry team, "The Well", and our technology department.
Church Administrator
Laurel Allan oversees all the ministries of the church. If you have any questions or concerns, she is your go-to.
Laurel Allan: (403) 318-6849
Childrens Church
Denise Bott serves as the Childrens Church Coordinator. Along with a group of volunteers Denise Bott and Laurel Allan team up to make the children's church a wonderful place for the kids to grow in their love for Jesus.
Church Secretary
Heidi Tensen will be happy to assist you with any general inquiry
Office: 403-729-2018
Worship Pastors
Roger and Bonita Bott lead our team of musicians to provide a point of connection with our Father in worship.
Kathlene Anderson makes sure our books are up to date and takes care of our financial needs.
Janitorial / Maintenance
Erin Hilz keeps up our facility in the areas of Maintenance and Janitorial.
Board Members
Chairman: Edward Kreil
Board Members
Secretary: Darcy Dyrland
Board Members
Carl Britton
Board Members
Dan Tensen
Board Members
Collin Stolte
Board Members
Sean Harper